There are a number of places you can turn to if you need assistance in paying your energy or electric bill. High-energy costs have forced many families to have to make the choice between paying their utility bills, their mortgage or rent, or even paying for groceries
The government, charities, and even utility company themselves may offer financial assistance. Everything from grants to payment plans, postponement of power disconnection, abatements and more is offered. Many free conservation measures are also offered by utility companies as well as the government. Find details below.
Most utility companies offer some form of financial assistance, grants, or weatherization type program. The vulnerable and disadvantaged (such as minorities, disabled, women or single moms, etc.) can also get help, Also a number of government programs, both state and federal, can assist people with paying their utility bills. Find information and ways to obtain utility bill assistance in your state. Get information on everything from LIHEAP to grants and other financial resources, including phone numbers and applications..
In addition to the direct financial assistance for utility bills, a major focus is also on long term stability. This means that clients can get information on job programs, business advice, employment resources and more. There is also support for minorities, women, and other disadvantaged groups, both on utility bill help as well as long term stability. As the most effective way to financial stability is a job, small business, or education. Find resources on small business resources for minorities and women.
In addition, we will also show you some ways to, and provide you assistance, in reducing the amount of your utility bills. For example, you can easily reduce your utility bill by up to 40%. There are many simple, free steps you can take to help you save on your energy costs. There are also programs from most energy companies that can help you conserve. Or get assistance with saving on utility bills from the free Weatherization program.
The more tips you implement, the less need for utility bill help that you will need. See the energy saving tips below.
The free federal government program, known as Weatherization, is offered in all states. It is often administered by utility companies, community action agencies, non-profits, and many other organization. This program is income based and is often combined with other utility bill assistance programs. Find more details on weatherization savings for utility bills.
There are also many DIY tips and free or low cost solutions for saving money on utility bills. These include things such as tuning up an HVAC system, adding insulation to a home, using low income assistance programs from utility companies such as free energy audits and more. It is very possible to save hundreds of dollars per year on heating, electric, and utility bills.
There are even ways to use appliances to save money through government energy efficiency services or simple steps like CFLB bulbs or using a fan in a certain way. The options are limitless, Read more on how to save on utility bills.
By: Jon McNamara
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