Utility Bill Assistance


Arizona bans utility disconnections during the summer and fall

The state of Arizona has a law in place to prevent the shut off of power during the hot summer as well as fall months. The moratorium even includes some of the late spring period, and it runs from June 1 to October 15 each and every year. The goal of this statewide law is to prevent the disconnection of power for those customers who are late paying their utility bill.

The utility shut-off moratorium applies to all utility companies in the state of Arizona. It will protect millions of families and individuals, regardless of their income, to ensure they are able to have electricity during the hot months of June through October.

Why was the moratorium put into place?

The state put this law into place to protect people, namely the vulnerable. During the hot months of Arizona the temperature often exceeds 100 degrees. Seniors, the sick, disabled, immigrants and others vulnerable individuals will literally have their health and safety at risk if they lose their power during those hot stretches of weather. As they would go without an AC unit, fan to cool their home, ice in their freezer, etc. To protect people’s lives, Arizona put these utility disconnection regulation in to place.

The law does not stop customers from needing to pay their utility bills from June 1 to October 15. They are still responsible for every single dollar of usage. This means conservation is always the best measure. What the Arizona law does is stop an energy company from turning off their power during those months.

This means that if a customer falls behind on their utilities they can’t be sent a disconnect notice from their utility provider. Not there can be some exceptions (such as quasi-government energy companies are excluded from this regulation) but at the end of the day it will still protect millions of Arizona households.





Also it is critical to keep in mind that all of the utility bills will still accrue to the account and need to be paid by the customer. The disconnection law in place in Arizona is short term relief only. If the customer falls behind by say $100, they will need to pay that $100 bucks. The only thing the moratorium does is ensure their power can’t be disconnected from the June 1 to October 15 dates. Then, come October 16, the disconnection process can take place again if the balance has not been paid.

This means it is imperative to continue to pay your utility bills. If you fall behind during those hot summer to fall months, use the period of relief to get back on track. Make your account current – catch up on any unpaid utility bills. As if you don’t, and fall further behind from June 1 to October 15, then you and your family will just have a bigger hole to dig out from under.

The bottom line, if you receive a disconnection notice from your Arizona utility provider during the June 1 to October 15 dates, call the company and ask them about the moratorium. Also inquire into payment plans, assistance programs, and other options to get back on track.