There are several different programs and options offered by Southwest Gas in Arizona. They include the items listed below.
Low to Moderate Income Energy Conservation Bill Assistance Program
This assistance program is a short-term solution for low to moderate -income Southwest Gas customers who are facing a financial or medical hardship, or if the customer were to find themselves in some other type of crisis. A hardship or crisis includes the definitions listed here.
Low-Income Rate payer Assistance (LIRA)
This program will provide individuals a discount on paying their monthly gas bill.
Home Energy Assistance Fund
The assistance is provided in the form of a self-sustaining non-profit energy assistance program. The program is managed by the network of community Action Agencies statewide across Arizona. The financial aid they provide is in addition to other utility bill assistance, as the support can be combined with LIHEAP and more. The program will provide assistance with shelter, food, rent expenses, clothing, job training, tax preparation, career development, and financial education. More information.
Energy Share Program
This is another assistance program. It is an emergency fund which provides direct assistance and cash grants to qualified people with unexpected financial difficulties, such as a medical emergency or the the loss of a job. In addition, your tax deductible Energy Share donations are completely managed and distributed by The Salvation Army. One hundred percent of all donations from businesses or individuals are used to help families and individuals in need pay their energy bills. Learn more.