Utility Bill Assistance



Ashland Oregon three utility bill assistance programs.

The three main utility bill assistance programs in Ashland Oregon include Emergency HEAT, discounts for senior citizens and the disabled as well as Ashland Low-Income Energy Assistance Program, also known as ALIEAP. All of them are focused on low income families facing a crisis, and they use donations from the community to keep them operating.

The three programs are all targeted at different groups. More information is listed below about each of them. But in general, hundreds of residents get assisted each year (based on donation levels), and many are able to keep their heat or power turned on as a result of the City of Ashland assistance programs. Or they save money from credits.

The main resource, that is open to anyone of any age, gender, etc. is the Ashland Emergency HEAT Assistance Program. This is a grant program that uses donations and contributions from the community. Anyone applying for help with their utility or gas bills needs to have a disconnection notice on their account. There are also of course income and other guidelines. For more details, dial 541-488-6004.

A discount program is for senior citizens and the disabled in Ashland. Many of these individuals will generally live on a fixed income. Since this is the case, they can sometimes struggle to pay their energy bills on time at the same time as buying medications, buying for health care, and other expenses they have. Lower income seniors or the disabled can apply for the Senior & Disabled Utility Discount Program year-round.

All utility bills are included in this discount (if qualified for it). They include gas, trash, water, sewer, heating, and really any utility bill in that house or apartment. But note this also uses those community donations to pay for it, as the donations offset the discount.




The disabled and senior citizen applying for a reduction In their utilities needs to have a total household income of 125 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, so it is too a low income program. The elderly need to be age 65 or older, and a discount of up to 20% will be provided. This donation program will help families save a significant amount of money.

The local version of Low income energy bill assistance is ALIEAP. This is similar to the federal government funded program known as LIHEAP but is just for city residents with a very low income or that are in poverty. It is known locally as the Ashland Low-Income Energy Assistance Program. Many customers who receive it also get government support such as SNAP or section 8 HUD vouchers. If qualified for utility bill assistance from it, a credit will be placed on the customer’s account. The application number for Ashland customers to dial is 541-552-2038.

Those are the 3 main resources for lower income or struggling Ashland families. Either apply for utility bill help, or donate. All funds given will be tax deductible, and 100% of the money goes to help the less fortunate pay their utility costs. For more information on applying, donating (either one time or by Rounding Up), dial 541-552-2038. Customer service can go over the programs as well as options.


By: Jon McNamara



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