Utility Bill Assistance


Atmos Energy in Missouri Sharing the Warmth donation programs.

One of the main programs from Atmos Energy is sharing the Warmth. The energy company, using donations from the community and local businesses in Missouri, provides assistance to qualified families facing an emergency. Funds are offered for elderly, the disabled, and families that have a very low income. It also gives people the ability to give back to their community by helping those that are less fortunate.

Individuals across Missouri can help the less fortunate, and your donation will be put to good use. The money will not pay for overhead expenses, and any money you contribute will go directly to only income qualified people, such as the disabled, elderly, or qualified low income families. Atmos will also make matching donations as well. All funds contributed are distributed to local energy-assistance agencies, such as the Salvation Army in Missouri, to help qualified people pay their monthly utility bills.

The company and its employees also plays a major role in this program as well. For example, Atmos Energy support the Sharing the Warmth community program by using donations from employees and staff. There will also be contributions of shareholders and matching grant funds in many of the Missouri townships.

As noted, it relies on the generous contributions and donations of the community. It order to help keep the program running, please do contribute. Any dollar amount is appreciated. People can donate by making a one time contribution, or pay a little bit per month on a recurring, monthly basis. Even a small contribution of a dollar or two can go a long way towards making a difference in the life of someone that is less fortunate. Not only is it tax deductible, but people will receive a statement in January for when they file their taxes.

If you need assistance, Sharing the Warmth is focused on helping Missouri families during the winter months. Contributions that are made by Atmos or people in the community will be made passed to local agencies, such as the Salvation Army. So in order to apply, people should call a local agency in their town o county. While funds are limited, the Sharing the Warmth program will assist as many Missouri families as possible.

To qualify, of course various income conditions are in place. It addition, the applicant must be the person responsible for paying the primary utility bill in that residence. Applicants must also provide sufficient proof of need, including income. The local agency in your town will distribute contributions to qualifying families.

Only through the generous donations and support of the community can Sharing the Warmth continue to operate. While of course the demand for help is very high, as many people from the community will be assisted as possible. So please give back if you can.