Utility Bill Assistance


Atmos Energy Tennessee utility bill donations from Sharing the Warmth

One of the best ways to give back to the less fortunate in Tennessee, or to get assistance with paying your utility bills, is from the Atmos Energy Sharing the Warmth program. Using donations from customers and the businesses community, the company provides funding to qualified low income customers. All funds are used to help alleviate a crisis situation that the customer may be faced with.

Most of the money raised is for the sick, elderly, and struggling families facing a one time crisis and the disabled. They also need to meet acceptable low income levels and not have caused the hardship. So their struggles need to be out of their control, such as an unexpected medical issue. The funds raised are used to keep homes warm during the winter and maybe even cool during the hot Tennessee summer months.

Atmos Energy is always strongly encouraging its customers and employees in Tennessee to help neighbors in need by participating in the natural gas provider's Sharing The Warmth utility bill assistance program.

If you donate, the contribution will more than likely be tax deductible. In addition to that, all funds are paid out to a variety of local non-profit energy-assistance agencies. So your money will not go to administrative costs. In addition to that, Atmos Energy supports this community program in Tennessee by offering their own funds from the company, contributions, employees and donations of its shareholders. Atmos will also offer matching grants in many of the Tennessee communities.

Applications are processed by other agencies in the state. This can include the Salvation Army and others. People that need help need to apply at those local agencies, as they process applications and disburse funding to help qualified lower income people pay their utility bills.






It is fairly easy to donate, and people can contribute as little or as much as they want. To contribute funding, customers just need to check the Sharing the Warmth donation box on their monthly bill. Or donate over the phone by calling 1-888-286-6700. Customer service representatives can provide more information on places to apply at, how to donate, or answer other questions.

Another way to contribute is to round up your monthly bills. People can make any dollar amount as a contribution, even $1 a month, $5, $10, $20. Customers can also change or end your monthly or one time donation at any time. An annual state will also be provided to the customer summarizing their monthly donation amount.

To apply for help, always keep in mind that the program is designed to supplement payments made by disabled, senior citizens or qualified low-income customers who would otherwise be unable to pay the full cost of heating their home on their own. You can call Atmos for local places to apply if need be, and their number is 1-888-286-6700.