In an effort to help customers facing a crisis, the Bernalillo County Good Neighbor donation program was created. It is a small scale utility bill assistance program that uses donations from the community to help the poor, low income, and less fortunate. The funds go to help keep the electricity, heat, and power on and is run in partnership with St. Vincent and Silver Horizons.
The amount of money paid out is small in value. However the program is most effective when it is combined with two other federal government programs for paying utility or energy bills. They include:
Bernalillo County Good Neighbor can be combined with those two. In fact, it is often recommended. This is because the company only pays a small amount of money for their utility bills. Not only that, but since it is a donation driven service, there may be cases in which a low income family can’t be assisted as funds run out. For more details, as well as terms and conditions on applying or donating, read more below.
Financial aid – Any funds from the program will be small dollar amounts. While the amount of assistance issued will vary based on need, income, and other factors, there may be tens or hundreds of dollars provided to each qualified applicant to help them pay utility bills.
Hundreds of customers and residents from Bernalillo County tend to get assistance every year. But once again this depends entirely on donation levels. The more funds that people contribute, the more customers that are assisted and the more money they are given. Note there is often a waiting list for any assistance from Good Neighbor as well.
Community donations and contributions – Bernalillo County Good Neighbor allows the community to give back to the less fortunate. 100% of what is given goes to pay utility bills, and donors also get a deduction on their income taxes.
Donations come from many different places. They include, but are not limited to, the general public; employees of local energy companies; company management; church and charitable fund raisers and other sources. In general there will be thousands of dollars collected each year for the program, with all funds going to pay energy bills.
All applicants are screened so that the money is given to the most deserving. This needs to be done as funding is limited. It also ensures fraud and illegal/sketchy requests for utility bill assistance are not honored. Generally it is given for a crisis only. Money may go to senior citizens, the disabled, someone who is in the hospital, the ill and others.
More information on Bernalillo County Good Neighbor
More details on the program are available from customer service. Call 1-888-342-5766. Or a customer, person, or organization (who wishes to apply for assistance or donate) can try a local social service agency including St. Vincent.
By: Jon McNamara
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