The energy company has several different assistance programs that they can offer low income or struggling customers. CenterPoint Energy always strongly recommends that people call them immediately. Someone who is behind on their utility or gas bills should never wait until they receive a disconnection or shut-off notice. By then it is too late, and the individuals options will be very limited at that time. Some of the programs offered are noted below.
Payment arrangements
The company is usually willing to provide a payment arrangement plan if the customer meets certain application standards. This can help a customer pay a past due bill, and keep current on upcoming utility bills. You need to call CenterPoint Energy to discuss this arrangement.
Energy assistance programs
Various types of cash grants as well as financial assistance programs may be available to eligible low-income households. The financial assistance can help people pay utility and heating bills. Many of the programs and resources offered are part of the federal government assistance programs such as the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and state of Minnesota programs. The utility company also partners with the Salvation Army's HeatShare program and individuals crisis assistance programs that are offered by counties and community action agencies. CenterPoint will put you in contact with the agency and program that best fits your individuals need.
Minnesota Cold Weather Rule/Law
This state law limits when your heating service can be disconnected during the wintertime. The customer has certain rights and protections afforded to them.
Salvation Army HeatShare Assistance Program
This is not run by the government, but it is strictly funded by the Salvation Army. Financial assistance and support is provided by donations from utilities like CenterPoint Energy, local businesses and their customers and employees. All of these different individuals and companies voluntarily contribute to the Heatshare program through their monthly utility bills or by one-time donations sent to The Salvation Army or CenterPoint. All money will be paid directly to low income and struggling people in your local community.
Call CenterPoint Energy in Minnesota to learn about any of these utility assistance programs are other options. The phone number is 800-245-2377.
By: Jon McNamara
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