Utility Bill Assistance


Clinton Utilities Board Project Assist utility program

When a customer of Clinton Utilities Board is struggling to pay their utility bills, or maybe facing a disconnection of their account, they can get financial assistance in limited cases. Various programs are available for paying heating, energy, and other bills, including LIHEAP grants, the Project Assist cash donation program, and social service agencies among others.

One of the last options will of course be what the community created on their own, with the support of employees and management from Clinton Utilities Board. This assistance programs is known as Project Assist. It will not provide enough help on its own, but the funds from this donation service, when combined with other financial aid as indicated above, may be a bridge to other long term support.

Donations from the community are used to supplement both government aid (such as LIHEAP) and local community action programs, including assistance from churches, charities, and non-profits. One hundred percent of funds go to pay energy costs of those customers who qualify. All of the contributions, whether they come from individual donors, businesses, or charities, can be made on a one-time basis.

Or there is also a round up option as well, in which donations can be made for paying utility bills on a recurring, monthly basis. This program will normally involve a small amount of money (always less than 50 cents) being added to a monthly energy bill…which will in effect make the bill equal to the next highest dollar amount. That incremental addition is then given to fund Clinton Utilities Board Project Assist.

The money paid out is administered by charitable organizations in the CUB service territory. They accept, screen, and process applications on behalf of the company. There are criteria that need to be met in order to get utility bill assistance from Project Assist, and they include the following.

  • -Income criteria need to be met, with general guidelines following those of LIHEAP as well as weatherization.
  • -The applicant needs to have a plan in place to keep up with future energy bill on their own, without support from the Project Assist donation program.
  • -Other criteria include proof of residency, copy of identification for all household members, social security numbers, and more.






When an application to the program is approved, there will be credits and/or other funds given directly to the customer. The assistance will be applied directly to their utility bill. There will not be cash given to the family, as the Clinton Utilities Board Project Assist assistance program (and the donations that pay for it) were intended for one and only one purpose only…that being energy bills.

Donations are only intended to address temporary emergencies. So utility bill help, whether it is for heat, lights, or some other expense, may cover only a portion of what a low income customer needs. There will also be criteria/priority given for the elderly, senior citizens, the disabled, and those with a barrier to maybe other forms of financial support.

Anyone who is interested in applying for assistance, or who wishes to donate, has a few different options available to them. They can call the Clinton Utilities Board company themselves at (865) 483-6028 to go over the process. Or other options are to contact a local community action agency to learn more or to apply for energy bill help.