Utility Bill Assistance



Colorado Springs Utility Company COPE energy assistance

Colorado Springs Utility is one of the many energy companies that created their own program to help less fortunate families paying their energy bills. It is known as COPE, or Company Citizens Option to Provide Energy, and it relies on donations from the public as well as contributions from the company itself. All of the funds are used to assist with any number of utility bills.

The management at Colorado Springs Utility created this donation program in partnership with social service agencies. The goal is to provide short term relief to customers in a crisis. There may also be assistance for heating bills for seniors during the winter months, and this was intended to help keep them warm and safe. As there are many examples over the years of the elderly not making it through a cold stretch of weather due to their power being disconnected.

Colorado Springs Utility Company COPE has an extensive application process. Many of the criteria are that the need to be met are similar to those of LIHEAP. So the applicant will need proof of income, copies of utility bills, proof of residency, and other information. They also need a disconnect notice. Since it relies on donations from the community, and people give their hard earned income from this, Company Citizens Option to Provide Energy is available as a last resort only.

When funding is available, there is a priority process in place as well. This is done as only a fraction of the requests for heating bill or other aid can be fulfilled. The demand for utility bill help is always very high, and unfortunately not everyone can be assisted.

The money will only pay for a portion of the customer's energy costs. In almost all cases, the household needs to contribute. The generous contributions only provide very short term relief to the family. So it may keep their power on for days or weeks. This will provide the Colorado Springs Utility Company customer time to locate other assistance for their needs. For more details, call the company at Pikes Peak United Way at 2-1-1.






As noted, Colorado Springs Utility Company COPE relies on donations from Care & Share Inc. and other groups. There are individuals, charities such as the United Way, and other groups that all contribute. Each year, employees of the company also donate and there is also some corporate funds used as well. So the funding for COPE comes from many different places.

There are no minimum or maximum dollar amounts that someone can contribute. While a individual may donate a small dollar amount (or round up their bills) the company may contribute more on their own or to match the funds. Every donor is greatly appreciated and it makes a difference. Also, keep in mind that there may be a tax deduction involved as well.

Whether wanting to apply for assistance from Colorado Springs Utility Company COPE or to donate, the customer service team at Colorado Springs Utility or Care & Share Inc. is a great resource. The number is above. They can also direct customers to other options as well, such as LIHEAP or payment plans.