In an emergency, the donation program known as Columbia Gas Virginia Heatshare provides assistance to low income families for their utility bills. It was created in an effort to help the least vulnerable customers in the companies service territory, namely the elderly, disabled, and families with young children.
There are two main goals of this program. One is to of course help struggling families pay their energy costs to keep their electricity on. Another is to provide people the means to donate back to the community as Heatshare relies on these contributions. The money will stay locally so that it will make a major difference to struggling families.
Most of the funds are intended for those customers of Columbia gas of Virginia in an unusual, one time crisis. If someone needs long term assistance, then other programs such as LIHEAP should be used. Heatshare is not intended to help those individuals with a past history of struggling or that are in long term poverty, but rather is a one time utility bill assistance program.
Donation and application process to Columbia Gas of Virginia Heatshare
There are multiple ways to both contribute as well as to apply for help. Money is collected from individuals, businesses, or some charities hold fund raisers and give the money raised to Heatshare. So one time contributions are used to keep the program running.
Another way to give money is through an operation round up type service. This means that a family can donate on a recurring basis and their current bill will be rounded up to the next highest dollar amount. The excess contribution on the monthly Columbia Gas of Virginia bill will be used to help less fortunate customers.
Employees as well as the managers and directors from Columbia Gas may also donate money. They too contribute a significant amount of money to help low income families pay their utilities. Or the company itself may provide matching grants.
When seeking help from it, be prepared to go through a thorough application and assessment process. Columbia Gas Virginia Heatshare is focused on otherwise low to moderate income families that are faced with a short term crisis that could result in the shut off of their power, and specifically heat. The money from it could be used to either prevent the power from being turned off, or delay the process so the family can seek other support.
Some of what may be required includes proof of residency, income, and the crisis. There needs to be details on why the family is struggling with their energy bills, and what they are doing to resolve the situation. Heatshare only wants to assist those customers that have the ability to pay future bills on their own.
No matter the situation, if someone is not qualified, then the customer service team may be able to refer the Colombia Gas of Virginia customer to other programs. So Heatshare is not the only option available, but it is but one of the resources available. Call 1-800-537-7431.
By: Jon McNamara
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