Utility Bill Assistance



Michigan Consumers Energy PeopleCare donation program

Over the years, tens of millions of dollars has been donated to the PeopleCare program. The funds are provided directly by Consumers Energy, its employees, customers, and other charities. The money is used to help the less fortunate and assist them with paying their utility or heating bills during the winter months.

The Salvation Army in Michigan works closely with Consumers Energy to administer the program. Among other things, they collect the donations and distribute funding to customers that need help. Assistance is offered in the form of short-term financial aid. All money goes to those families that need assistance. The PeopleCare program and any contributions that people make to it can make a big difference in the lives of families and individuals that need a helping hand. Many conditions will need to be met by applicants. However some of the more common ones are listed below.

Some of the people who receive help may have had a primary wage earner who has been laid off, they had a home destroyed by fire, or maybe a parent was diagnosed with a serious medical condition. Others are facing a crisis that they did not create. Your generous donation to Consumers Energy, the PeopleCare program, or the Salvation Army helps provide essential supportive services for those faced with a sudden financial emergency.

As indicated, Consumers Energy of Michigan works with The Salvation Army, both the Northern Indiana Division as well as centers in Eastern Michigan. The non-profit will determine eligibility and distributes the aid to those in need. To learn more or apply for PeopleCare, the funding is available at Salvation Army community centers throughout the companies lower-peninsula service territory. Call a local office.






The program is very extensive and has been operating for over 30 years. Since that time employees and customers from Consumers Energy have donated tens of millions of dollars to it. Also, the energy company has matched many of these donations and has also offered tens of millions of more dollars in utility bill credits.

Several thousands families receive assistance every year. While most of the money raised is used to pay utility bills, in other case funds may be used for other expenses. With the significant cuts occurring everyday in various public assistance programs, both state and federal, many lower income households need help with their heating costs and utility bills. The need is expected to be great this year as well.

Donations are always needed. You can contribute as little or as much as you like, and every bit helps. In order to make a tax-deductible contribution, you can donate with the Salvation Army online, check a box on your monthly utility bill, or call Consumers Energy for referrals and phone applications.




By: Jon McNamara


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