Utility Bill Assistance



CPS Energy Temporary Hardship utility bill assistance

In an emergency, the CPS Energy Temporary Hardship assistance programs may be an option for paying utilities. There are many criteria that need to be met, including there needs to be funds available for paying energy bills as the program does rely on donations. Find more details on how to apply for help below.

This service is only for low income qualified customers. The applicant to CPS Energy Temporary Hardship also needs to be faced with a crisis that is short term and not “caused” by them. Examples may be an unexpected medical illness; loss of employment not caused by them; a natural disaster; death of partner/primary wage earner; health care crisis; or similar situation. The CPS Energy Temporary Hardship energy bill assistance donation program is not for long term support – It is not the same as LIHEAP or weatherization in San Antonio Texas for example.

Types of help from CPS Energy Temporary Hardship First and foremost is the financial aid. This is usually a credit that is placed on the account of the customer. It will assist them with a portion of their utility bill only. It is one time relied and not long term, sustainable support.

Another way that Temporary Hardship can help is through referrals. Customer service teams, or a local social service agency, will not only use some of the limited amount of money from the donations to help pay an energy or light bill, they will also help the client apply for other, long term utility bill assistance. The main one will be LIHEAP.

A third option and form of support is through free conservation measures. CPS and the teams that administer Temporary Hardship realize that financial aid (or a credit) is not a long term solution. So a main goal is to try to help the client reduce their home (or apartment) utility expenses. The best way to do that is through conservation and measures aimed at efficiency.





There are a few options here. One is the federal weatherization program, which is free for very low income families, those in poverty, as well as income qualified senior or disabled. CPS also offers other energy audits and conservation programs.

The fourth energy assistance program, that is often combined with CPS Temporary Hardship, are payment plans. Rather than turn off the lights, power, or heat, customer service teams will try to provide the customer alternatives. This can include more time to back any utility bills that are in arrears as well as negotiated payment plans.

Fifth, certain charities also partner with CPS Temporary Hardship. They range from community action agencies to the Salvation Army, churches, and other groups. They may all offer emergency utility bill help, money for paying light bills, and other relief. These charities also depend on donations too.

All of the assistance programs listed above, including the donation CPS Temporary Hardship program, can be options for low income families. As noted, this service depends on contributions from the public, so donations are always needed and appreciated. For more Temporary Hardship on CPS Temporary Hardship, as well as to donate or apply, call (210) 353-2222.


By: Jon McNamara


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