Utility Bill Assistance



JEA Neighbor to Neighbor utility assistance

Customers can donate to, or apply for, the program from JEA that is known as Neighbor to Neighbor. This is a resource that was created to offer small amounts of utility bill assistance to families that are in a crisis. Donations from the community, which will be tax deductible, are collected throughout the region and all the money is used for helping the less fortunate with their energy bills.

For people applying, note the number of customers assisted is minimal. It is also only for families that are facing special circumstances and that are not living in long term poverty. Neighbor to Neighbor was created to be an emergency program for paying utilities and heating bills, and this is what encourages people to contribute. Many do not want to donate their hard earned money to a resource that is not targeted in nature.

The application process is extensive. Most of the assistance will be targeted at the elderly. Or families with young children, or a customer with a serious medical condition may also be some of the beneficiaries of this program. The screening process will be done by a combination of customer service reps as well as local agencies in the state of Florida.

To learn more, the main number to call is below. If a customer is assisted, it would also be appreciated for them to give back to the program as well as some point. If is always good to give back and so called pay it forward. This is what the JEA Neighbor to Neighbor service in effect allows. A struggling family may receive help with their bills today, but they should try to return the favor later, after they have regained stability.

JEA will not use any of the donations to pay for administrative costs. So this means that every single dollar contributed will make a difference to low income customers. Whether someone donates a couple dollars or more, the contributions will stay in the looking community and go to the less fortunate.

Not only will Neighbor to Neighbor accept donations from the public and local businesses, but employees, including management from JEA, will also contribute. The company will also try to match the donations that are collected. This will also increase the number of people that are assisted.






Contributions can be made one time, or on a monthly basis. This is what the round up option involves. A customer service representative from JEA can help a donor enroll into this. If they decide to do this, they will also be able to stop the contributions at any time as well, so there are no long term commitments.

For more information, to donate, or to apply for JEA Neighbor to Neighbor, call the company at (800) 683-5542.


By: Jon McNamara


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