Utility Bill Assistance



Kansas HeatShare utility bill assistance.

Customers Kansas, regardless of their utility provider, have 2 different options available to them when it comes to HeatShare.  The first is their ability to apply for utility bill assistance from it when they have exhausted all other government programs (LIHEAP, homelessness prevention, etc.) and the second option available to Kansas families is to donate to it. Those are the two main facets of the program.

The financial assistance, when it is available, is intended for a crisis only. It is provided by the Salvation Army across the state. This is why all other government as well as charitable, non-profit, and other resources must have been used first. All of the money is only for paying utility bills too. This means that the money is for expenses including heating, electric, lights, and related energy costs.

The amount of assistance from HeatShare is limited. There are also restrictions on it as well, such as customers can’t apply multiple times, they need proof of income, and have had to have a stable history on paying their utility bills in the past as well. As noted, other services need to have been used too, such as LIHEAP, money from charities (Salvation Army, churches, etc.), and any other resource.

For most qualified applicants, and others, who receive help from it the money from the donation program is combined with other resources too. A big one is conservation. As the best solution to being able to sustain future utility bills is to use less electricity or heat. Using less energy will allow all families, regardless of their income, the ability to pay future energy bill on their own.

On the other hand, the state of Kansas HeatShare is a donation program. This means that anyone can give back to the less fortunate by contributing money to it. They can make a one time donation or give money on a recurring, monthly round up type program.






When giving back to the community, there are a few things to keep in mind. They include:

(1)All of the money stays local and is for residents of Kansas only. It is a neighbor to neighbor type program.

(2)Most donors can get an income tax break, as there are government deductions for charitable giving. But it may be wise to check with an accountant.

(3)An extensive application process will ensure that the donation is used wisely, and that 100% of the money goes to helping with energy bills, light, and will keep the power on.

(4)Contributions to HeatShare in Kansas can be any dollar amount and/or started or stopped at anytime.

It is one of the most effective utility bill assistance programs in the HeatShare territory. The money raised is done so in an efficient manner. Not only that, but it provides a short term boost to any struggling, low income vulnerable family so just maybe they can pay their utility bills that month.

There are different agencies to call to learn more about this state of Kansas HeatShare  program. One is to of course call customer service, and they can be reached at 1-800-336-4547. Another option is to ring a local social service agency, including the Salvation Army, as they run it. Feel free to donate or apply for energy bill help.

By: Jon McNamara


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