Utility Bill Assistance



Midwest Energy Customers Care utility bill assistance

Midwest Energy Customers Care is one of the main programs available for paying utility bills. This service is provided by money raised from the larger community, including individuals, non-profits, businesses, and the Round Up concept. Up to $200 of assistance is provided to the least fortunate customers of Midwest Energy that have no other resources available to them.

Information on application to Customers Care

Any funds are provided on a short term, limited basis. There is also a focus on helping customers with some form of exceptional hardship, such as a senior that may be at a health risk if their electricity were to be shut off.

Since donations are used to pay for the program, the amount of money available is very limited. Many people can apply but will not qualify. However non-profits such as the Salvation Army as well as customer service representatives from Midwest Energy may always refer the household to another service. Some of the other resources available include support from LIHEAP, which can also assist with paying heating or gas bills. Or the company will review payment plans, extensions, and similar short term solutions.

When applying to Midwest Energy Customers Care, households need proof of income. They will also need a doctor (or medical professional note) if the crisis is caused by some type of health care issue. Other information will be proof of age of all household members, identification cards, and anything else that may be relevant.

When approved for utility bill assistance, the money that has been donated to Customers Care will be issued to the customer. Or course they will only get a small amount of the total donations, as the program is intended to assist thousands of people each and every year. The funds may help the customer keep their utility service on while other options are explored. Some examples of people assisted in the past are as follows.
-Midwest Energy Customers Care has helped single parents with a sick child.
-Veterans and their spouses have received help for their energy bills.
-Many senior citizens are assisted during the colder months using this donation program, and the assistance will help them keep their home or apartment warm.
-Short term disabled have been supported in the past.






For more details on applying for assistance to Customers Care, or for alternatives such as energy bill payment plans, call customer service at 1-800-222-3121.

Uses of donations to Midwest Energy Customers Care

Both Round up and one time contributions are used to fund the service. First off, anyone can contribute any dollar amount they want. Every single dollar is used wisely by the administrators. There are also IRS tax deductions that a donor can file with their state or federal taxes.

When Round Up is selected, Midwest Energy will continue to bill the customer each month for the total usage of their utilities. However that bill will be rounded up to the next closest amount. The surplus of that Round Up, which may be anywhere from 1 to 49 cents per month, is donated to Midwest Energy Customers Care. While it may not seem like much, when hundreds of people and businesses do this each month the total amount of donated money adds up quickly to help the less fortunate pay their bills. For information on contributions, call 1-800-222-3121.


By: Jon McNamara


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