Utility Bill Assistance



Nicor Gas financial assistance programs

There are several different assistance programs for Nicor Gas customers to consider or to apply for. A summery of each program is listed below.

Salvation Army and Nicor Gas Sharing Program - A qualified customer can receive a one time grant to pay their gas/utility bill. It is run by the Illinois Salvation Army on behalf of Nicor Gas. Donations from customers and Nicor fund the assistance program. This program requires people to stop by their local Salvation Army office to apply for help. This money is available for people who do not qualify for federal government or state of Illinois assistance. Read more.

Nicor follow supports the federal government and state of Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program (IHWAP). This is a free program that can help people save money. It provides weatherization services to low income homes. This is often offered at the same time as weatherization.

Military personnel will receive separate forms of benefits and/or cash grants. There are very few criteria other than of course you need to provide you are a service member.

Federal government Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is available to Nicor Gas customers. The LIHEAP assistance program provides qualifying working poor, unemployed, and low-income households forms of financial assistance in one annual payment to be used for energy bills. It can be used to pay a regular monthly energy bill, or money can be used in a crisis to avoid a disconnection of utility service.

Negotiations and Payment Arrangements. This will be offered by Nicor Gas on a case by case basis to customers who are faced with a hardship. People who are behind, or expect to fall behind on paying gas bills, may enter into a payment arrangement plan. In order to enter into this plan, a down payment is required on your monthly utility bill, and the remainder of your balance that is due on your bill will be spread out over four months and then added to your current monthly balance, so it will in effect eventually need to be repaid.

Call Nicor Gas 1 888 642-6748 to learn about any of these service, or other financial assistance and grant programs that Nicor may be able to help with.





By: Jon McNamara


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