Utility Bill Assistance



Piedmont Natural Gas NC Share the Warmth utility bill assistance

After all other options, including LIHEAP, government benefits, and non-profits in North Carolina have been explored, the Piedmont Natural Gas Share the Warmth program may be able to assist with paying utility bills. This is for those customers who are at risk of disconnection due to a financial issue outside of their control. Using donations from various sources, there may be a small amount of funding available to pay a small amount of energy bills, including gas, light, or electric.

Many people ask what is this donation program all about? Well, it is the community in effect giving back to the less fortunate. There are hundreds of customers, businesses, individuals, and corporations that all donate to the service. There are also employees from Piedmont Natural Gas who give some of their paycheck to the programs in order to help struggling families pay their utilities. The community comes together as part of this process to give back.

There are all sorts of different ways to contribute. Maybe the easiest, most straightforward is to write a check to the program. Any amount will due, and 100% of that contribution goes to provide energy bill assistance. Other options for giving back include entering into a round up service, in which small amounts are provided to the company. The monthly utility bill will be rounded up to the next highest dollar amount each month, and that “rounded up” amount goes to the service. Other ways include:
-Holding fundraisers.
-Employees donate, and Piedmont Natural Gas matches the amount up to a certain dollar amount.
-Give back by spreading the work on the service, as the more publicity the more likely someone will contribute to it.

So that is how the donation part works...or at least a good summery of it. How about Piedmont Natural Gas customers that need financial assistance for paying their utility bills from Share the Warmth? What does that involve in North Carolina?






The program is both limited in scope as we as funding. It can only help a small number of households per year, and all applicants need to be low income, be a customer, and be threatened with a short term crisis. Other conditions need to be met too, including used up all of LIHEAP benefits, proof of residency, copies of old utility bills, etc. Only if all criteria have been satisfied, and if funds are available as the result of said donations, will a disbursement for utility bills be made.

All of the energy bill help is for qualified low income families. Or it may help a moderate income customer if they have had some form of crisis situation which caused their income to drop unexpectedly for a short period of time. Maybe a medical emergency, car repair, or some similar issue.

The Piedmont Natural Gas Share the Warmth application process will involve a review of all income sources, including employment, SSI disability payments, child support, LIHEAP grants, and more. Applicants should be prepared with all of this documentation.

For more information on anything about Piedmont Natural Gas Share the Warmth in North Carolina (whether donating or applying), there are a few options available. One is to call a local social service agency, such as the United Way. Another options is to call the customer service department, and that phone number is 1-800-752-7504.


By: Jon McNamara


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