The main assistance program from Progress Energy relies on donations from the public and its employees. The Energy Neighbor Fund operates across Florida, and it assists thousands of low income and struggling customers ever year. However without contributions from customers, charities, businesses, and matching grants from the foundation, the program would not be able to operate as it wouldn’t have funding.
This is the main Progress (now Duke Energy) utility bill assistance program for low income customers. It partners with hundreds of social service agencies and charities in the region. Many people say that the fund is a lifesaver for struggling individuals and families. It will ensure that residents can continue to have heat during the colder winter periods. Contributions to the Energy Neighbor Fund are made from Duke and Progress Energy’s employees, customers, and their respective foundations.
Most of the assistance is for Florida residents who are experiencing some form of temporary financial crisis, such as job loss or medical condition. Many families or seniors would have their power turned off if not for this resource.
If you can donate, it is important to note that the all of your contributions will go to helping the needy. No donations pay for overhead. This is possible as the Progress Energy Foundation covers all administrative costs. Every cent you give will be sent directly to help your neighbors in need. Your gift will probably be tax deductible. Not only that, but the company will also match your donation, dollar to dollar, up to a certain threshold. So if you send $5, Progress will send both your $5, and a matching $5, to a family in Florida who is faced with a crisis. So your contribution will have twice the impact.
A few other things to keep in mind. The program also partners with hundreds of social service agencies, community action agencies or United Way organizations. Most of these are non-profits in Florida who distribute the funds. These agencies both guarantee and make the cash payments on behalf of the customer, and the person applying will not receive the cash. So this reduces risk.
Also all of the money donated stays in the towns and counties in which it is collected, and also all funds from customers and employees goes directly to helping keep the heat and lights on. The money stays in the communities in which it is collected. There is not an easier, or more effective way, to provide direct utility assistance to people in your local communities. Who knows, your money may literally be helping someone who lives down the street from you.
The program has been operating since the late 1980s. Thanks to Progress Energy customers and employees, their contributions and overall generosity, tens of thousands of Florida families have received assistance. Millions of dollars have been raised by Progress Energy Foundation, its customers, and local charities. To apply or donate call 1-800-700-8744.
By: Jon McNamara
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