The WARM program, or Winter Assistance for Rocky Mount, relies on customer donations and contributions. Many individuals, local businesses, non-profit foundations, and charity type organization contribute to the WARM program, and most donations will be tax deductible.
Every year, dozens of local Rocky Mount families receive utility bill assistance from the generosity of people who donate funds. A focus is on people who are most at risk as well. For example, funds will flow to senior citizens, the recently unemployed, families with young children, and others. You never know if that some of the money you donate may in fact be going to assist a neighbor on your own street.
When people enroll in Winter Assistance for Rocky Mount, they are also usually required to take part in weatherization or energy efficiency measures and classes. This is done to help ensure they money you donate to the WARM program will not go to waste, and those who do get assistance with their bills will need to use their energy efficiently.
Another key service is an audit. The city of Rocky Mount, working with local partners, offers free in-home energy audits for qualified residents. This is a huge benefit to people in the community. Trained staff members from the city or a local community action agency can help people and residents identify ways to conserve energy.
The energy efficiency conservation classes offered in Rocky Mount provide a great way to teach residents and individuals about steps they can take to help conserve energy and lower their monthly utility bills. For example, learn how much money can be saved by doing simple things like unplugging electronics when they are not in use. Or save tens of dollars per year by taking a shorter shower. See what a difference these, and other steps, can do when it comes to saving money.
The fact is that saving money on your utilities, and energy conservation, is something that everyone should be very mindful about. So the city is very proactive, and the programs can teach residents ways to be more energy efficient.
Your donations go a long way to helping people. Last year, the Rocky Mount WARM program provided almost $40,000 in assistance to local families, most of whom are low-income elderly, disabled or the jobless.
You can donate as much, or as little, as you want. Individuals and businesses can make a one-time donation on their utility bill for any dollar amount. Many people also decide to round-up funds to the next highest amount and contribute to the program in that way. Or stop by the Rocky Mount City Hall in order to donate. Every little bit that people donate helps. Or if you need assistance for your energy or utility bills, then apply for help from the WARM program.
By: Jon McNamara
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