Utility Bill Assistance



Assistance with bills from Source Gas.

Source Gas offers customers a number of financial assistance programs for paying their monthly utility and gas bills. A summary of the services are below.

A home heating assistance program known as Hearts Warming Homes operates from November – April of each year. Emergency assistance for paying Source Gas energy bills is available for customers who are faced with a crisis that is not of their making and that is beyond their control. Utility assistance can be provided for situations such as abandonment by the family head of household, job loss, people who live on a fixed income with no ability to work as in the case of the elderly or persons with disabilities, or a medical emergency or illness. So this service is focused on those with an unexpected emergency, who need some short term financial assistance. The Salvation Army in Arkansas runs the program.

If you are behind on your Source Gas bills, then a disconnection can be prevented from the Arkansas Winter Suspension Moratorium for Low-Income Customers. This was a crisis program put into place by the Arkansas Public Service Commission (APSC), and Source Gas customers can benefit from it too. Qualified low income customers can take part in a program that establishes a moratorium from disconnection of natural gas service for non payment of their utility bills during the winter and fall months of November through March. So your utilities can’t be shut off at those times of year.

Low income customers from Source Gas can also benefit from the LIHEAP service, also known as the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. This federal government funded program may be able to help customers pay their summer cooling or winter heating bills. Grants and cash assistance is focused on the low-income and elderly people in Arkansas. A crisis component is also in place for those Source Gas customers whose gas is about to be shut off.

Families can save money on their gas bills from the Home Weatherization Assistance Program. This is a free program to income qualified families. The government funded program may be able to provide funds to pay for energy conservation measures for the homes or apartments of low-income people, with an emphasis on families with children, the elderly, and handicapped. Cost effective measures on mobile homes as well as single frame houses may include weather stripping, the replacement of broken windows and doors, caulking, ,  and other energy-saving measures like installing insulation.

Call Arkansas based Source Gas at 1-800-563-0012 to apply for these or other utility and gas bill assistance programs.



By: Jon McNamara



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