The South Dakota Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) will provide assistance to lower income South Dakota residents to help them pay for their home heating bills.
Energy Assistance will help South Dakotans pay for their home heating costs. You always need to keep in mind that energy assistance may not pay for all of your home heating bills.
Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP) - To qualify for the ECIP program aid, the household must be in a crisis and also income eligible. Crisis includes :
The Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP) will also repaid your furnace.
Weatherization Assistance
The Weatherization Assistance Program will help low income South Dakota households with overcoming the very high cost of energy by making their households more energy efficient. This program is managed by community action agencies, and it has been in operations since the mid 1970s. There is no cost for weatherization assistance. Some of the services provided can include : Weather-stripping of windows and doors, Caulking and sealing holes and cracks in a building structure, Insulating walls, attics, and under floors.
By: Jon McNamara
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