Donations from the community (employees, businesses, individuals, shareholders, etc.) are all used to fund the city of Edenton WARM heating bill assistance program. This option from the company, when combined with payment plans it offers, free energy conservation measures as well as other options (including LIHEAP or weatherization from the federal government), are all energy bill assistance programs for low income customers.
This is an emergency or crisis program. Most of the funds go to seniors, the disabled, or a City of Edenton customer with a financial crisis that was not of their doing. Any heating bill help is a last resort for those that have taken other steps to address their situation but can’t. The faith based Chowan County Emergency Aid is a key partner as well, as they process applications and disburse funding to those in need who qualify.
Applications in Edenton
Applications to the City of Edenton WARM utility bill assistance program are only offered from November to May. During the fall, winter, and spring months. In addition, Chowan County Emergency Aid will assess each application. They will also direct customers to long term support, whether that is LIHEAP grants in North Carolina (or from the federal government), weatherization, or job placement/budgeting.
City of Edenton WARM is a short term, limited program. At most, even for those who qualify, only $100 will be paid out. That amount also depends on donations from the community, as the concept is “Neighbors Helping Neighbors”, meaning others contribute and give back. It is not a long term heating bill assistance program. This is way self-sufficiency is also emphasized.
To enroll or apply, it can be done online at the Town of Edenton website. Or dial 211 for referrals to Chowan County Emergency Aid. Other financial aid can be arranged too.
Donations in town of Edenton
The program was set up as Neighbors Helping Neighbors. This means that funds (up to $100 to each approved client) will only be paid out as contributions from the public allow. However, it is a great way for people who can afford to give back to the community to do so, as they can donate as much or as little as they would like. All of the money goes to help low income customers.
Anyone who gives back can be sure that Chowan County Emergency Aid is assessing each application. The contribution will only be used for paying heating bills during the November to March timeframe, with 100% of the money going to the needy. It can in effect maybe help save a senior citizen or disabled person’s life, as WARM can help keep the weak, vulnerable and less fortunate in Edenton warm.
For more information on donating (as well as applying) as noted dial the faith based Chowan County Emergency Aid. Or call the town office. As the bottom line is emergency heating bill help is offered as well as the ability to give back to the town by donating money.
By: Jon McNamara
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