Utility Bill Assistance



Tucson Electric Power Company H.E.E.R.O. utility assistance

In a crisis, Tucson Electric Power Company H.E.E.R.O. (or Help with Emergency Energy Relief Operation) is one of the assistance programs that can help pay utility bills. There are donations used from the community that pay for this service. Working in partnership with non-profits in the community, there may be some assistance available to assist with energy bills.

This is a donation service. As a result, the amount of funding is limited. The only reason that H.E.E.R.O. even exists is the result of the generosity of the community. In addition to individuals contributing money to the program, there are also donations from employees at Tucson Electric Power Company, the general community, as well as businesses and management. So funding comes from many places.

There are some conditions in place to receive help. However the terms and conditions will often (and do) change from year to year. There will often be energy bill assistance given to families once they have used up their LIHEAP benefits. Also, many of the recipients of support from Tucson Electric Power Company H.E.E.R.O. have historically paid their utility bills on their own in the past. What this means is that the program is generally for a crisis only and is not a safety net service.

Cash is never paid to the applicant from Tucson Electric Power Company H.E.E.R.O. Instead the customer will either be given a credit on their account or the funds will be provided directly to the company. This helps ensure the program is used efficiently and effectively. It also helps ensure that the donations given to pay for the program are not abused.

The assistance (such as credit or other) can also be combined with many other sources. Customers can still contact a charity for help, use LIHEAP benefits, and other sources of funding. So if there is another donation service or some other option that a family thinks they want to explore, they still have the ability to do that.

Give back to the community from Tucson Electric Power Company H.E.E.R.O.

It is strictly a donation program. This means that if no one contributes, then no customers will receive assistance for their heating or energy bills. There are some people in the community that do have an occasional crisis, and many of the donations go to senior citizens or struggling families with children.






Since there is an formal application process, and funds are limited, the assistance is used widely. A donation will only go to applicants with a source of income (from a job or benefits), that have paid their bills on time in the past, and with a one time crisis. It therefore builds confidence in the donor that their money given to Tucson Electric Power Company H.E.E.R.O. is used wisely.

While it may be a good idea to check with an accountant or software such as TurboTax, in general donations are tax deducible. This means it will lower the donors state of Arizona and federal income tax burdens at the end of the year. So contributing is a way to reduce tax burden, give back to the less fortunate, and make a difference in the community.

For more information on applying or donating, dial 520-623-7711.